Why Lunar Planning is the New Productivity Hack
In a world inundated with productivity tools and time management systems, many of us function from trying to manage it all, and being reactive to the external world, instead of commanding our tasks and lives based on intentions . Instead of searching for a system to organize yourselves to, there is a system of organization that we can tune ourselves to. This system, operates by the moon. No, it's not the phases of the moon, which align themes by the 4 phases. A day- to - day or by hour that synchronizes your body and mind with the day as well as optimizing tasks. In this blog I’m going to take you much deeper. The answer lies in the ancient methods of both east and west, the forces of celestial rhythm: the lunar days and lunar mansions. Lunar planning, which aligns daily tasks and intentions with the days and placement of the moon, is gaining traction as a transformative approach to productivity. By incorporating principles from the lunar mansions, one can ‘work smarter not harder’ and take greater hold of our actions. This practice bridges ancient wisdom with modern efficiency and works to multiply effects- if aligned with the current cosmic forces things flow effortlessly.
The Lunar Mansions: Energies behind operations
The lunar mansions, also known as Nakshatras in Sanskrit, or asterisms in astronomy, are a group of stars that comprise the zodiacal belt. The moon journeys through each mansion approximately 1 mansion (asterism/nakshatra) per day. Think of these mansions as the intention and operator behind the zodiacal sign. Each mansion carries its own unique energy, planetary ruler, and is assigned to one of the 4 goals of human life (purusartha) Dharma- duty/morality, Kama- pleasure, Artha- wealth, Moksha- liberation. By understanding these energies, you can align your activities with the natural flow of the cosmos and the intelligence that is organizing our material world.
Planning with Lunar Mansions: Aligning Intentions with Energy
By tracking the moon’s mansion and aligning your calendar with its energy, you’re no longer swimming against the tide but flowing with it. There are a few methods available to you. In this blog we’ll cover two applications, you will need either a true Lunar Calendar & Planner or an app to look up the moon’s daily position at sunrise.
- Method 1: Timing by Intention, working with the 4 goals, (purusartha), in this method you will choose a day the moon enters the lunar mansion that rules over the goal. Do this by locating the moon’s position for the day or to plan ahead choose a day the moon enters a lunar mansion that rules over the like intention. This method syncs the human drive (intention) with the moon’s placement in the lunar mansion.
Example: You’re focused on buying a house, choose the showing or closing day when the moon is in Artha, wealth, lunar mansion, such as Purva Bhadrapada.
4 Goals (Intentions), Purusartha
Dharma: Duty, morality, ethics, righteousness, this is associated more with the spiritual pursuit, higher good, purpose, and legacy. It governs the inner soul and impact for others or for higher aims. It can be associated with devotion, commitment to a cause, or an ideal within self and society.
Artha: Wealth, governs material gain, material comforts, abundance in monetary and physical means. Stability within social, cultural, familial, and can be associated with employment, work gains but not purpose.
Kama: Pleasure, governs the use of material forms, enjoyment. This differs from artha, as artha can be wealth of family and wealth in adoration. While Kama is the relationship with pleasure, and is connected to the karmic wheel. It is pleasure in activity, pleasure in work, and pleasure to enjoy the moments of life as well as pleasure through senses and physical manifestation.
Moksha: Liberation, is the highest of spiritual application. It is ultimately the liberation from the karmic wheel. It governs non-attachment, (freedom from pleasure, form, ego) and offers freedom and union in presence and with THE ONE. It governs karmic freedom and can be used for detachment, unity with inner self. Relinquishing outcomes and movement towards the essence of being, or receiving. Optimal for spiritual pursuits.
Lunar Mansions by Goal
Dharma/Duty: Ashwini, Pushya, Ashlesha, Vishakha, Anuradaha, Dhanishta, Shatabhisak
Artha/Wealth: Bharani, Punarvasu, Magha, Swati, Jyeshtha, Shravana, Purva Bhadrapada
Kama/Pleasure: Krittika, Ardra, Purva Phalguni, Chitra, Mula, Uttara Bhadrapada
Moksha/Liberation: Rohini, Mrigasira, Uttara Phalguni, Hasta, Purva Ashadha, Uttara Ashadha, Revati
- Method 2: Requires a bit more nuance into the signs and the energies (shaktis) of the lunar mansions. This is an alignment of actions based on the ruling (shakti) energy/force of that lunar mansion. In working with this method, you are working with the forces that are behind our creative universe, and how they organize our world. You will see how these energies give the zodiac its nature within the physical world. (Mansions are listed in order from 00’00’ - 360' 00' of the zodiac, beginning at 00’00 of Aries.)
Lunar Mansion energies (shaktis) for actions
Ashwini: Healing, freedom from disease, redirection of health, or to bring forward the health of something/someone.
Bharani: Removal of lifeforce, death, to eliminate old habits or forms, to support new creation of self or something.
Krittika: Purification, to burn or transform negativity, vision, or clear contaminants.
Rohini: Growth, power of creation, great for planting (when aligned with season)
Mrigasira: Fulfillment, to bring things together, create cohesion
Ardra: Hunting, searching, focus for achievement, actions for gains
Punarvasu: Movement of possessions, relocation, wealth, transfer of ideas and things
Pushya: Transference between non-tangible, ideas, money, spiritual exchange, creates spiritual energy
Ashlesha: Wisdom to overcome obstacles, destruction of forms, access to secrets, unknown
Magha: Higher guidance, ancestors, bosses, change in state/condition, especially form- structure
Purva Phalguni: Productive alliances, unions, balance between enjoyment and activity, revelry
Uttara Phalguni: Overseeing contracts, wealth from family lineage or partner, organizing resources
Hasta: Creative, transformation, craft, holding what you seek, gain through own efforts
Chitra: Law, merit, honor, acts of righteousness, ruling over art
Swati: Direction, allocation, alteration of structure, business orientation, influence change
Vishakha: Plow, cultivation, good for harvest, effort to reap future rewards, power to achieve
Anuradha: Acquire fame, recognition through honor, devotion, respecting higher powers
Jyeshtha: Meditation, energy to shift karmic battles, independence, spiritual power, challenge outcome
Mula: End root of affliction, cut ties, protection for self-advantage, removal of defects
Purva Ashadha: Purification, regeneration, power towards spiritual efforts
Uttara Ashadha: Support and recognition, alliances, supporting others, creating long-term habits
Shravana: Networking, connecting things, people, actions, linking paths and actions
Dhanishta: Creative powers of abundance, gifts, harnessing inner abilities, attention to peers, friends
Shatabhisak: Freeing karma, healing, revitalization, psychological healing, widening perspective
Purva Bhadrapada: Lift spiritual aspirations, transformation of spiritual effort, long distance moves
Uttara Bhadrapada: Growing plants, stability of future gains, setting foundations, benefiting others
Revati: Power of seeing, nourishment, detachment, movement into new opportunities, protection in growth.
Getting Started
To incorporate lunar planning into your life:
Track the Lunar Cycle: Use a lunar calendar & planner to identify the moon’s placement within the mansions.
Plan Weekly: Align your tasks with the moon’s energy through objectives and placement, leaving room for flexibility.
Practice Reflection & Refinement: Journal on outcomes and intentions, each person is unique and the art of this science is to tune into the self as the master wielding the stars. Patterns and power positions will become noticeable.
The Final Word
Lunar planning is more than optimizing productivity; it is harnessing the power of the universe and aligning your intentions. It is an invitation to harmonize with the rhythms of nature and your inner self. Unlike a task oriented planner, working with the moon awakens higher levels of consciousness and intuition. When these two methods are combined you are working with the Law of Multiplicity and further aligning energies through you to be magnified. There are many levels of planning with the moon, including its applications in agriculture, ritual, healing, and family planning. These methods dive a bit deeper into the elements, positions, and correspondences. However, if you’d like to take your planning to another level, you can easily incorporate planetary hours within both of the methods taught here, and as a stand alone practice. These time-tested practices remind us that we are able to become the masters of our world, and harness forces within and around us.